Services: Application Engineering
Over the past 7 years we have implemented a number of Software Engineering Projects in the B2B and B2C space. Our application engineering service have been split between Big & Fast Data Related and Direct-to-Consumer Applications. The Projects have been primarily in the FinTech and AdTech Verticals.
Our Applications have been built using Java (Spring), Python and GoLang.
Our Services include
- Full Service Engineering including interim-CTO Services.
- Roadmap Design and Architecture Consulting,
- Product Implementation with Fixed Size or Flexible Team.
- Infrastructure Architecture and Automation
- 24/7 Operations Management and Support
Platforms and Technologies
We have worked with the following technologies and implemented them within our solutions.
Programming Languages & Frameworks
- Java with Spring Framework
- GoLang
- Python
- AngularJS, ReactJS
- Ansible, Terraform
Tools and Infrastructure
- MySQL, MariaDB, Apache Cassandra, Hbase and Kudu, LevelDB, RocksDB, MongoDB
- InfluxDB, OpenTSDB
- JMS, ActiveMQ, Firebase, Amazon SQS Slack
- Elasticsearch & Solr
- Graphana & Kibana
Hadoop Ecosystem
- Apache Kafka, Flume, Oozie.
- Apache Ignite
- Cloudera Kite SDK
- Avro, Parquet, ORC
- Apache Knox, Sentry and Ranger
- Hive, Presto & Impala
- Sqoop
- Cloudera Hue
- Apache Spark and Storm
- Apache Ambari